The Principles of Teleinformatics

Written for an M Phil Thesis.

Duncan Stonebridge 2004


The systems managing organizational knowledge will increasingly need to be decentralized and collaborative as well as scalable and extensible. With these requirement those systems become more complex and burdensome to manage and administer. Discovering and conceptualised the structure and properties of information systems is intrinsically difficult, particular for large systems that are subject to arbitrary change. The aim is to develop the tools and techniques to enshrine extensibility into the knowledge management systems, and to allow bottom-up design and development to occur in a manageable way. The choices of tools and techniques required for the construction and developed of systems for knowledge sharing will be determined by the requirement to interoperate across heterogeneous systems, and therefore have the qualities of openness. Open distributed systems such as the Internet are necessarily scalable and extensile ...


See also:Sematic Web Services - Building the global database: Project goals and motivation, last updated January 2009.

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